The Telecommunication company Madstar Mobile has created its own cryptocurrency called "MADSTAR" on the blockchain that immediately listed on several decentralized exchanges worldwide.
MADSTAR is a decentralized cryptocurrency that uses the Graphene protocol, technology and blockchain. Graphene was chosen as it's believed to be the most advanced, the most secure and user friendly. Graphene decentralized exchanges allow for easy registration with users having complete control over their funds and wallet allowing them to buy, sell or trade MADSTAR worldwide.
The cryptocurrency MADSTAR is being offered to existing Madstar Mobile customers for purchasing products, services and because of their monthly patronage. We also provide MADSTAR on madstar.com to those who are not yet a customer for a contribution. The use of proceeds go towards our continued growth and expansion as a national and international wireless carrier. You must create or already have an account on one of the approved decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges. Madstar Mobile will then interally provide MADSTAR to your exchange account on the blockchain in approximately 24 hours.
Madstar Mobile is a wireless service provider that activates handsets and data devices with national coverage on the same LTE cell towers as the other major wireless carriers.

David is the developer and creator of the cryptocurrency MADSTAR. He is also the founder of two previous electricity suppliers grossing over 100M in revenue. David has been an investor of several other companies including ownership in sports franchises in the US & UK.
For more information read the whitepaper or visit madstarmobile.com & madstar.com

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